For the first time i read this quote, I keep staring for a while. Try to find the true meaning of every word in this quote. Why do we need to think kind of man ... hmm, that's right too. If we thinking like a woman, it will be worse because women are over-emotional. Women always like this. Hard to control our emotions. Sometimes we just speak according to our feelings je without thinking first. Including me. Just on certain time laa... So we need to think like a man.Think first before thrown out our voice. We have think more wise but still behaves like a women. Dont rough like a men. It is not good ...
This quote have though me a lot and must be remember
“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.”
-Christopher Robin to Pooh
to someone that i love....
please remember this...
what ever happen to us...
i will always with you...
-Christopher Robin to Pooh
to someone that i love....
please remember this...
what ever happen to us...
i will always with you...
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Mimpi yang indah-edited from mestica song
TeLaH Ku LaLui JaLaN bErDuRi, liku-liku hidup dalam meneruskan perjuangan, SeJuTa HaRaPaN tEruS Ku PeRtAhAnKaN, pada tuhanku yang tidak pernah memungkiri janjiNya, BUkAn MuDaH MeNgApAi bInTaNg, yang sering ku mimpikan dalam lena dan jagaku , SeRiBu DuGaAN MeNdAtAnG, menguji iman dan keyakinanku.dI SeBaLiK kEpAyAhAn, pasti DiSiTuLaH kEkUaTaN tersemat, kukuhnya terpahat, tEkAD hAti HaTi AZiMaT DipErJaLaNaN dalam MeNgEJaR iMpIaNku. PaBiLa LaLuAn sEaKaN sukAr, rasa kekalahan kian merajai, BaGai tAk bErDayA unTUk TerUs BeRtAhAn dalam perjuangan di fana ini. NaMUn KAsIhmU MEnYeDarKaN diriku yang lupa pada janjiMu, bahawa AKu TaK pErnAh seNdiRiAn. DiSeBaLIk KEpAyAhAn, pasti DiSiTuLaH aDa KeKUaTaN tersemat, kukuhnya terpahat tEkAd HaTI AzIMaT Di PerJaLanAn dalam merealisasikan cita-citaku. TiNgGi LaNgIt mImPi inI, setinggi bezanya antara langit dan bumi, namun sekali TaK kU rAgU uNTuk mEmBUKtiKan pada kalian, bahawa IndAh BiNtAnG yAng BUkaN kHaYaLAN, TeTaPi KeNyAtAaN yang akan terbentang diruang mata dan fikiran. Dengarlah wahai temanku, aKaN kAu sAKsiKaN KeSUliTaN iNi, yang kian sukar ku menitinya, pAsTi bERgAnTi KebAhAgIaAn, kerna itulah janji tuhanku. Teman TeLaH pUn kAu DenGaR KiSahKu Ini, PeRNaHkAH kAu CubA uNtUk MeNgeRTi bahawa impianku melangit tinggi….MIMPI YANG INDAH…kerna ku bernama ‘impian yang baik dan indah’ (1 muharram-20:38)
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